Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally a post. Pictures to come soon!!!

I know.... its been forever since I've last blogged. The past couple months have been so busy. lol.. I thought I was busy before, but now with Kennedy I seem to be double busy!!
....but definitely enjoying every minute of it!
I will try and get the pics posted this weekend. Its amazing to see how much Kennedy has grown and changed the past couple months.
Thanksgiving was very nice!! We had dinner over at Aunt Cle's which was so yummy as always. Thanks Aunt Cle and Uncle Clem!!! This year Khari cousin Marshall was in town so it was fun to get to spend some time with him as well.
After dinner we headed over to my mom and dads for some pie. They were so nice and watched Kennedy that night so I could go to work the midnight shift at Express.
Lol.. it was so funny to see the rush of shoppers at midnight!!!
was so much fun this year!!! Kennedy really didn't understand what was going on but we had Jasmine, which brought the life of Christmas back! Christmas Eve we went over to Aunt Carolyns house for a bit and then home to open our jammies and read our Christmas story.
Off to bed we went anxiously waiting for Santa Clause to come...
and he did come....
It was a lot of fun to see Jasmine eyes light up when she saw Santa had come. She was making us laugh because she kept wanting to open all the presents. Lol.. and when Kennedy got a present she said this is for Kennedy and Me!! Thankfully Kennedy really didn't understand... so yes.. her presents were also Jasmines!! After we opened gifts we went to my mom and dads for breakfast. Thanks Dad for the delicious breakfast. I have to admit that is my favorite thing of Chrsitmas. We were spoiled at my parents and got a crib, toys and stuff to start our storage!! Thanks mom and dad!!
It was so funny.. there was so much excitement as we all opened our gifts.. the whole family was there and we were having such a good time. Lol.. we looked over and Kennedy had fallen asleep on my dads belly. It was so so cute!!
It had snowed so much on Christmas so we really didn't do much. But that night we did make it to Aunt Cle's house and as always had a good time!!

New Years.....
Lol.. okay there isn't much to post here beause we were asleep by 10:30pm!!! Yes.. I know.. and for you of those who know Khari and I.. this is quite surprising. Our parents teased us, saying... they could tell we were parents now!!!
I can't believe that 2008 is already over.
2008 has been such a life changing but good year!! I have been so beyond blessed. Sometimes I just sit and wonder how and why I've been so blessed. But I am oh so thankful for all my blessings. I have blessed with a beautiful healthy daughter who totally makes my day. She is the happiest baby and totally lights up the room! Blessed with such a wonderful, supporting family who I love somuch. Blessed with such an amazing church family. Blessed that Kennedy has such a good father. Blessed to have such awesome friends who have been there thru everything. Blessed to have a good job. I could go on and on..

Kennedy 5 month.....
Wow.... the time has gone by so fast!! It amazes me so much how she learns and the new things she is always trying and accomplishing. She is now talking... and quite the talker.
Its so cute, she loves her babysitter Niki and her family so much.. every day when I pick her up she just talks and talks.. as if she's been telling me about her day. She'll just laugh and smile... so you know they must have been having a good time!!
She is so strong, Khari had her standing at the side of the couch and she loved it. She's been really strong from the begining being able to hold her head the day after she was born and standing for so long.
We thought she was getting some teeth but they have seem to gone down. I felt so bad for her. You could tell she was in so much pain, she would cry and bring her lips in putting pressure on her gums. Its so hard not being able to take the pain away, but she is doing much better. Lol.. until the teeth try again!!

Real food..
Khari cousins came in from Texas so we all went to dinner after church. Kennedy was getting so mad because everyone was eating and she wan't. We gave her some mash potatoes and ice cream... she really didn't know what to think of it but seemed to like it!
I promise to try and be better in 2009 with my blogging. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.
May all your dreams and wishes come true in 2009!!!

1 comment:

The Lapuaho's said...

I would have to say it is about time!! By the way Happy Late Birthday..did you do anything exciting?? Hurry up and post some pictures. Cribs are the best, that was the nicest gift ever!