Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Poor Kennedy has been so congested for the past week. We've tried the humidifier and nasal drops, but it hasn't been helping much. Thanks to her great baby sitter Niki she suggested having baby sleep elevated which definitely has helped some. We went to the doctors yesterday and he said her lungs are clear, but she definitely is the worst congested he's heard this season. However, the season is just starting. He recommended a new nose suction thing (lol... I'm not sure the name of it), but it supposed to work much better for smaller noses. So we are going to try this along with the humidifier and nasal drops. Lol.. the doctor said if she continues to be congested then we can see about renting a baby booger getter. Yes, this is really what its called. I'm hoping it won't go that far!! She has been such a trooper, even tho she can't breath she is always in a good mood!! :)

1 comment:

Pamela.Annette said...

Aww I'm sorry Kellz! Thats so hard, Not just on the baby, on MOM & DAD too! Just hang in there! Did they say anything about any meds to dry up the drainage? And that suction thing is about the best you can do! Gosh it was 10 years ago that I dealt with any of that! LOL. Just hang in there and I will def keep you guys in my prayers! Sending hugs and KISSES from KY! I hope she feels better! Love ya!